Greetings folks, just want to provide and update to keep you in the loop. Scott and I are doing everything we can to keep moving forward and to keep positive. We had no idea what we were in for when we started this. We have been informed by an insider why we are experiencing heavy censorship on a variety of platforms. Because of our association with this person, who we admire and appreciate, we are literally on a list of podcasts/shows that are intentionally repressed and so is this person, this is not a fabrication. There are things going on behind the scenes that very few people are even aware of and there is a lawsuit filed on this matter, this is straight from the horses mouth. The censorship has cost us youtube accounts, tik tok accounts, X accounts and had an affect on other platforms as well. This has created a very challenging situation financially as less people are able to view our content, many folks are not getting notifications or updates from us. Also, if you watch our show on Rumble and sick of the commercials there is an option to subscribe for $10 a month to go add free. We are also on X and Facebook live. There are other platforms that we upload to when we get the chance but can only go live on 3 platforms at this time. We have very few places to share this information without it affecting us further so we are doing this on locals. We will continue to do what we do as we are in this for the long haul and for the betterment of humanity. We thought and hoped that out of our over 40,000 subscribers that we would have found some type of angel investor/partner/sponsor. We have had a lot of promises that have not worked out. We are getting closer and have teamed up with Matt Geiger from Verity Metals after years of looking for the right people to team up with. Things are looking up as we are beginning to have in person events and travel to other events as well. We will keep you updated but if we are not on here all that often we just wanted to inform you of why. We have been putting on the oxygen mask as we navigate these turbulent times. We know we have great things in store and are positive about the future, it is just a bit of a bumpy ride as of late. Thanks for being a part of this crazy ride, we appreciate you! Joe and Scott
This is something some friends and I shot in 2008 ish. There was a bar in Tacoma named the Vertigo lounge, it inspired us to shoot this ridiculous homage to a band i used to love. We can't let it get us down so here ya go, let's get a little crazy shall we?! I know the quality isn't perfect but it's the equipment we had to shoot it on back then. ENjoy!
A little humor for the ridiculous times we are living in, feel free to join the live chat. Do you think they will steal it again? Could be a long drawn out mess this time too but whatever happens, it all leads to more exposure. Thoughts welcome!